
Annual General Meeting 2019/2020





(Operating as Pietermaritzburg Child and Youth Care Centre)




2019 / 2020




“Investing in the Best Interest of each Child in our Care”













Investing in the Best Interest of each child in our care




To render Professional Child and Youth Care Services to vulnerable children needing alternate care, through their legal placement into residential care




To provide Holistic Developmental Care using the Circle of Courage Model within the Life Space of our Children




Generosity                                           Belonging


Independence                                       Mastery


Honesty                                              Respect


Commitment                                        Courage


Responsibility                                       Fairness










It is my pleasure to present the Acting Chairman’s report for the past financial year for the Pietermaritzburg Child and Youth Care Centre, also known as Pietermaritzburg Children’s Home.


Our staff has a complement of 23 registered employees and 2 casual workers currently. During this period, we officially registered one Child Care worker and 1 administrator. We had four Child Care workers move on to other employment.


I want to acknowledge the efforts made by our child and youth care workers to complete their FETC in Child Care and submit all necessary documents to verify their qualifications. Now they are awaiting their hard – earned certificates that vouch for the improved calibre of Child Care work offered to our children. In addition, I thank all the volunteers and interns who joined us during the year to offer further support to our children.


Our utmost concern as a Board is to ensure that all children placed at our Home receive the highest level of Child Care services. Our role is to ensure that we are providing support to the Director and her management team to ensure that they are implementing the relevant programmes and activities that will meet this goal. I thus commend the entire PCH team as they are able to sustain relevant programmes and initiate new and innovative ideas that boost the overall development of our children.


In the past year there have been many contentious issues in relation to all our NGO’s in the welfare sector. The implementation of the National Nawongo Court Judgement proved beneficial for all CYCCs in KZN, and PCH has coped well with the adjusted new subsidy rate received for the past financial year for our children.


Throughout this process, we must commend the perseverance of our kind Donors. We are currently in our continued dilemma with the Department of Social Development in relation to adequate funding, in order to continue with the holistic development of our Children. We are eternally grateful and appreciative of the selfless compassion shown by various individuals and businesses notwithstanding the poor economic situation that is prevalent, for your unstinting support to PCH. We further appeal to you and others to continue with your support for the benefit of our children.


I further acknowledge the great sacrifice that is made by our Board of Directors and our Trust members. The members of the Pmb CYCC Trust guide and provide financial oversight to the Board.  A special thanks goes to Mike Yeats, Dem Kambouris and Irene Dugmore for their expert guidance.


I want to acknowledge and commend the services of the Youth Representatives who have to deal with the pressure from their electorate as well as with the added task of being the voice of the rest of the children at Board meetings. They have actively attended regular Board meetings, during the period under review, and their confidence and ability to represent their peers stands out, as they are growing in their leadership skills. We are proud of these young people and convey our appreciation to the Youth Coordinator of our Home who had a key role to play in ensuring that our team attend relevant forum events and were able to voice their issues at Regional and Provincial levels. Likewise, we must acknowledge all their roles in coordinating and participating in the NACCW National Youth Conference held proudly in KZN for 2019!


PCH is maintained well by a strong team of dedicated Staff. The beautiful environment and positive ambiance that one experiences when you come through our doors, is a true reflection of the efforts made by the team to ensure that they have created a safe and homely space for children who call this their Home!


In closing I wish to thank all our valuable donors and loyal supporters of our Home. We have many valued contributors that join us for special programmes such as Heritage Day and Youth day, whilst others who support our fundraising drives, and those who join us over the holidays and throughout the year to engage with our children. Your role in helping to sustain our goals can never be over-emphasized and we Thank You for always thinking of and supporting PCH and our children.


Finally, I commend and thank our Director and her Management team, all Staff and Members of the Board for your dedication and diligence over the past financial year.


Mr L.Du Preez

Acting Chairperson




































I have the wonderful opportunity of presenting our annual report for the 2019/ 2020 financial year.


As an established Children’s Institute, PCH continued to strive harder, in respect of our programmes and activities both within the Home, amongst the community and in the children’s sector. Our core business of serving vulnerable children continues to be challenged against the changing prerogatives on Child Care and Protection Services. Residential Care facilities will always exist as an alternate place of care for our country’s most vulnerable children, however with shifting priorities at National and Provincial levels, we continued to question and challenge the Department of Social Development’s understanding of what our core function is, which is Specialized Residential Care Services. This said, it may appear as if little has changed in the past year however times were changing, and we were channeled into a year that tested all CYCCs to its limits!


This past year saw us going through an interesting debacle with the Provincial Department of Social Development linked to the implementation of the Nawongo Judgement, that all provinces were expected to roll out to the NPO sector. We spent several months dealing with new instructions, new implementation requirements, and several forced choices placed on all CYCCS, by DSD demanding that we spend the Nawongo allocations as per their dictate. PCH however continued to make use of our outsourced catering service providers and did not accept the Top-Down approach from DSD, sending our own correspondence to the Department as well as the KZN Legislature.  Part of our correspondence was submitted with all Portfolio of Evidence when we met with the Premier’s Office and our ex HOD.


The amazing end product of the CYCCs deciding to take a stand against the Department, is that the Principals Forum was able to reach out to and incorporate numerous other CYCCS from across KZN, who came together with the key purpose of addressing the Nawongo funding.  We now have a stronger advocacy network and have established a Provincial Task team to address the advocacy issues with DSD for all KZN CYCCs. This body is growing as a recognized Forum and our CYCC Ambassadors have made headway in terms of negotiating platforms for dialogue with Provincial DSD.


Child and Youth Care work remains a relatively new and not fully recognized Profession in our country, and much work needs to be undertaken, for the Profession to take its place in the Professional arena. Child Care workers are obligated to have a minimum level of training and be registered with our Council for Social Service Practitioners. However, this is a process that is unfolding at its own pace, as there are many CYCCs who do not have trained staff and are not yet meeting the regulations. Likewise, Council has made remarkable strides in addressing its administrative backlogs, but still there are many Child Care workers who are waiting to receive their Council numbers and certificates, including some of our Child Care staff. There is also the upgrade to the FETC level 5, which was explored and requires that current staff who are awaiting their level 4 certificates to continue with a Recognition in Prior Learning (RPL) process. All these matters take time to address and we hope in the next year, we will be able to enroll level 5 learners.


Child and Youth Care Work allows for trained and registered Child and Youth care workers to make a significant impact on the lives of our country’s children and families.


I again emphasize that, in residential care, the worth of a Child Care Worker can never be underestimated and the power that they hold to make a positive impact on that child’s life, is to an extent – beyond measure! I continue to admire and respect this unique profession and acknowledge that we are blessed to have such a dedicated and compassionate team of Child Care Workers caring for our children.


I convey my sincere appreciation to all our Major Donors, Corporate Donors, Regular Donors, Donors in Kind, all our wonderful well-wishers and friends throughout the year, for taking time to be with and offer your guidance, advice and support to us, for the benefit of our children.


A very special thank you to our dedicated members of our Trust for your continued expert advice and guidance, to our Board of Directors for your generosity in time and commitment to what we stand for, to all our staff for your loyalty and ever-willing approach to give off your best, and to our strong and steady members of our Management Team for your willingness to accept new challenges, and your continued advocacy and championship for the work we do, in the name of our children!



Our updated Memorandum of Incorporation was approved in 2017 and remains valid. Annual Updates with CIPC in terms of our Directors are submitted, and we are awaiting feedback on the amendments last sent in. Our annual NPO report for 2019 was approved. In November 2019 we submitted the application for renewal of registration with the Department as a CYCC, and early this year we received our certificate of registration.



Our priority remains at all times is to ensure that we meet the legal and moral obligations that we have to our children. At all times our overall priority is to ensure that we are creating a safe, secure and enabling environment for children. We have measures in place to ensure that staff have complied with relevant criminal and child protection clearances, ensured that we have complied with the general health and safety requirements and put into place a health and safety team to monitor key concerns.


We acknowledge the Department of Social Development who play a significant role of monitoring and evaluating our organization to ensure compliance in terms of the regulations and the Children’s Act. Our challenge is that we are often unclear as to what comprises actual compliance as per the Department’s understanding. Such contradictions in interpretation of the Children’s Act and the Regulations leads to unnecessary disharmony amongst us as role players in the child’s life. Ultimately – neither party should be diverting from what is always in the best interest of the Child!



We have had a busy year, taking every opportunity that presented itself, for PCH to advocate and lobby for issues that matter to our sector. We have continued to submit written input to change current legislation and regulations that impact on service delivery, debated child care issues at local, provincial and national levels, forwarded concerns to our Head of Department for Social Development and followed up on our  correspondence to the Chairperson of the KZN Portfolio committee, with regard to the funding for our social work post being withdrawn, delayed subsidy payments and the reduction in number of children funded, ensuring that our voice was heard as a key role player, advocating for better quality of services to our children.


DSD had started with reducing our number of children funded, which dropped from 80 to 75. We were the only CYCC in PMBurg, who was affected by another Master List created by DSD and not accessible to us, and thus our numbers funded was again reduced to 72. Despite this reduction in funding, PCH continued to care for all our children placed and have carried the costs to care for the extra children, especially our intellectually impaired seniors, who have no current alternate accommodation options via Mental Health Society.


Sadly, relevant stakeholders in the sector do not reciprocate the seriousness of our issues, and often we go by with either no response to our issues, or vague and unclear responses that cannot be acted on. A huge positive impact of the advocacy we conducted at Provincial level with the Nawongo order, resulted in the first adjustment (As per the National circular) that shifted our monthly subsidy rate from R2640 per child to R4000 paid in retrospect from the beginning of the Financial Year concerned, and which has impacted positively on our budget.







We maximize on all training opportunities that staff can attend in order to ensure that we are functioning at our optimal. Staff who attended external trainings returned and in-serviced others on their team. PCH is very adamant that all Staff are exposed to all types of learning environments to inspire and motivate them in how they respond to our children. Likewise, we are grateful to Special Donors like LeChic Parlour for offering a pamper session to the staff.


The Team were exposed to the following External Trainings:

1.     Income Tax seminar 2.     Section 18A seminar
3.     Reintegration seminar 4.     Social Work Code of Ethics
5.     Mental Health Symposium 6.     Finance training
7.     Labour and Consumer Law 8.     Fundza workshop
9.     Reintegration Training  


The Child Care Team were exposed to the following Internal Trainings:

CPD approved:
1.       Holiday Planning 2.       Policy and Procedure – Physical Environment
3.       Team building/ Self Esteem Programme 4.       Behaviour Management
5.       Supervision of Children





Health and Safety Trainings:


First Aid Training: a three – day training was conducted for all staff by St Johns in February 2019. All were found competent and received their certificates in March 2019.



Naccw Conference – July 2019 at ICC



The Naccw / CYC – Net partnered World Conference was a key highlight of 2019. PCH was represented by three staff members at the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) meetings planning for this momentous event. The General Manager as the Chairperson of the Local Organizing Committee, spent many additional hours preparing for this event, together with the Child Care Manager who was part of the LOC. One of our Child Care staff was actively involved in the planning committee for the Youth Conference, where 4 of our seniors participated.


I acknowledge the active participation of R Mashoko and Z Phiri, who were also conference organizers whilst continuing with all PCH duties. We were extremely proud that 10 Child Care Workers attended the event at their own expense.

Student Placement and Support:


Child Care intern and student 2
Public Relations 16
Scholars 2
FETC students 2
Anthropology – a research project was completed with 5 children residing in care focusing on Abandonment 1




We acknowledge the support of external ambassadors who have offered us invaluable knowledge and life skills:


  • Pam and the late Rebecca (St Johns) First Aid Training for our KZN Cadetts
  • Crickmay             Computer Literacy programme
  • Sarah                         Bible study
  • S Maharaj             Study Tuition
  • Mountain Rise Astro League             Soccer
  • Community Media trust             Lifeskills
  • One Life Church             Alpha programme
  • Life Changers             Strengths Based programme




  • Department of Social Development
  • KFC
  • Ramsey Engineering
  • NMI (DSM)
  • Ken Collins Trust
  • Pietermaritzburg and District Community Chest
  • Alpha Omega
  • All our Corporate donors throughout the year
  • All individuals for your wonderful support of all our fundraising initiatives and programme





                                New Shelter on the Grounds


                                        New Play Equipment




God Bless,

Fiona Balgobind

General Manager                                                                                                                    8




It gives me great pleasure to report on the Social Service and Child Care activities for the past financial period, (2019-2020). We have successfully concluded another year.  Ours is to continue strive to promote and uphold the culture of good quality care for the children in our facility. To rebuild and nurture good relationships with outside stakeholders so that our children are the beneficiaries of quality education and care. This is done by continuing to make sure that the environment that our children live in, is enabling, safe and secure in order for them to become good citizens in the future. That is done by continually striving to make sure that every child in our care, is equally important to us, and we strive to achieve this through guidance, wisdom and positive influence. Also, through the utilization of structured programs that takes into account the children’s needs as a group and as an individual.


In the past year, PCYCC accommodated a total of 91 (14 new admissions), children between the ages of 4 and 20 years. Children are placed into four (4) cottages according to their age groups. We were blessed with the children who turned 20, while in our facility, due to the fact that their home circumstances are not conducive for them to be returned back into the community, as yet.


Our children are being cared for by child and youth care workers (CYCWs), who are responsible for the holistic care and development of every child in our care.

The Pre-interview meetings have been very beneficial to the CYCWs, because then they get to understand the background information about the child that will be coming into our care. The Pre -interview meetings are attended by the Social worker, CYCWs from the unit that the child will be admitted into, the Child Care Manager, the child concerned as well as the designated Social worker and or any relative that is in the child’s life.


This past year, 18 children were reunified with families and some with their extended families through the reunification services which is an integral part of our program. This has been a joint responsibility of the placement agency, and PCH who are the children’s custodians and we are proud to have played a more active role in this process in recent years, and we are continuing to be the champions of this process as we have increased the number of children that are returned back into the community, where they BELONG. The reality is that the family home circumstances often take more than two years to improve therefore our children remain in care until permanent reunification is possible. This can be a long process, as relationships are rebuilt by allowing the child and family to spend time together, starting with day visits, weekend visits, then holiday visits and eventually the child returns to the family permanently.


In the reporting year, PCH had 5 Matriculants. 1 passed with a Bachelor pass with 3 distinctions. He has been accepted at UKZN Westville campus, for the Bachelor of Sports Sciences, 1 passed with a Bachelor pass as he has been accepted at the School of Creative Arts to do Music and sound Technology. 3 got supplementary and they will be writing at the end of the year. 1 child successfully completed her schooling at HS Ebrahim Special school. She has been assisted with a Learnership application for Khulisani Academy in Merrivale. 1 child was transferred to the School of Industry in Ladysmith. 1 child fell pregnant during the December school holidays and she was released to the care of her sister in Camperdown. 3 children absconded, they were traced and successfully placed. 1 was placed with her paternal grandmother in Umzimkhulu, 2were placed with foster parents in Richmond and Swayimane. In 2020, PCH has 1 Matriculant and 1 child doing his fourth and final year at Newton prevocational school (Plumbing). 1 grade R learner was promoted to grade 1, 2 children are doing grade R in 2020 and 2 children are in creche.


Our children have been actively involved in several programmes, which included:


Developmental Program:

This includes 24hour physical care, access to appropriate schooling and education, family reunification and reintegration within the shortest possible time, assistance with disengaging from the program, promotion of children’s rights, mastering of age appropriate tasks, life space work, life skills, casework and groupwork.


Therapeutic Programs:

This includes a Developmental assessment, Individual Developmental Plans (IDPs) for each child, Case Conferences, individual counseling of children, and referrals to specialized services, home visits, family meetings, dealing with the daily holistic and developmental needs of each child.


Individual counselling 107 Court orders were updated 35
Court visits 38 Section 176 reports 7
Sections 159 reports 49 Case reviews 76
Home visits 12 Individual Development Plan’s (IDP’s) 16
Absconders  3 Transferred to other Facility 1
Mentors /host parents  7 Children being mentored 11
Minor incidents dealt by CCWS 31 Minor incidents deal by Social worker 15
Complaints involving staff   2 Complaints involving children 4
Child line 1 Groupwork sessions 12



A other core function of child care is to ensure the medical well-being of the child. A total of 234 different referrals were made to various other medical, care or counselling services


Northdale Hospital    123 Greys Hospital     12
Edendale Hospital    2 Woodlands Clinic     70
Northdale Dentist    2 Northdale Eye Clinic     2
Psychologists (Behavioral challenges)    23 Greys ENT/ Oncology     8
Childline (Therapeutic services)     3 Woodlands Clinic (speech therapy)     3
Ghandi Assessment Center    11 Woodlands Clinic (repeat medication)    9
East Boom Clinic    5 Harwood Pharmacy    6



  • PCYCC is privileged to have an outside tutor who is helping our grade 8-12 with their schoolwork on weekends, Mathematics is always a subject of concern. The feedback has been positive.
  • A big thank you to our Board members who came forward to assist our children with schoolwork, for both juniors and seniors.
  • Love Incarnate (group of students from UKZN), continued helping our children with homework on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Most of our children have taken full advantage of this opportunity.                                                                                           10
  • 1 child from grade R, graduated, he was accepted for grade 1.
  • Two children are attending creche Amy Beyl.
  • Social worker had 4 sessions with the 7 grade 7 learners.
  • Social worker had 7 sessions with 1 grade 11 learner.


School visits on progress 119 School visits on performance 15
School visits for re-admissions 27 Visits to Special Schools 5
School visits for behavioral problem 11 School visits for placement 19


After care:

  • Wendy N was assisted with application through Central Applications Office (CAO), to further her studies.
  • Dimpho D. who successfully completed his schooling at Newton, his was assisted with application to further his studies at TVET College. His core subjects were Building and Plumbing.
  • Bongani R. was assisted with ID application from Home Affairs, and his application was successful. He is still working for SM Builders, he is staying in his own place, all is going well.
  • Noluntu K. is continuing with Protective workshop at MH Moosa in Bombay.
  • Jean Luc A. still working, and he has found his own place to stay.
  • Nokubonga M. has completed her schooling at HS Ebrahim. She is still accommodated at PCH, while the issue of reintegrating her with her mother is being addressed, while she is attending protective workshops at MH Moosa.
  • Ntando M. has completed his schooling at HS Ebrahim, he is still accommodated at PCH and he has started attending Protective workshop at MH Moosa.
  • Sandile F. has been accepted at Creative Arts College to study Music and Sound Technology.
  • Keanan N. completed his matric, accepted at UKZN in Durban, due to the fact that he has no family to go to, he remained at PCH while all tertiary arrangements were done by PCH.
  • Nomfundo C. completed her studying at HS Ebrahim Special School, she has done an interview at Khulisani Academy in Merrivale for a Learnership program.


Some Highlights for the year:

  • PCYCC was fortunate to continue its partnership with Life Changers. They ran a Strengths Programme for 12 weeks with senior children (grade 11-12, 9 children). a psychology that allows an individual an opportunity to develop a better understanding, and the awareness of self, which helps to embrace the uniqueness of each individual, and in turn boosts their confidence.


  • PCYCC has partnered with Children in Distress Organization (CINDI) to focus on the issue of Reintegration. 5 Home visits were conducted which were not going to be possible without their financial assistance (as we travelled as far as Riverside, beyond Kokstad!)



18 senior boys attended a one-day programme hosted by    Inkuzi Isematholeni Organization. Theme “Unleashing the  Potential in a Boy child”.


  • A total of 13 children were reunified back into the community during the reporting period.



3 Matric learners attended their Matric Farewell parties, 2 from Haythorne Secondary school and 1 from Heather Secondary school.


One of our Young Persons off to his Matric Party in Style, with the support of Christ at Work Ministry


  • M Maduna was transferred to the School of Industry in Newcastle. He was no longer benefiting from our program.


  • 3 children who turned 16, were assisted with their Identity Documents through Home Affairs.


  • Senior boys and girls have had an opportunity to be transported to the Harry Gwala Stadium to watch their favorite soccer teams against Maritzburg United.


  • 14 senior boys saw their childhood dream come true when they had a lifetime opportunity to watch the two South African Soccer giants (Kaizer Chiefs vs Orlando Pirates) at the Historic Moses Mabhida Stadium (Telkom Knockout Semi Finals, 02 November 2019)




Child Protection Week:

Included visitors from Lifeline and Dlalanathi, who held an awareness talk with our Senior children.





  • Sexting program was rendered for all senior children, to help them to be more informed with the dangers of social media.


  • 5 grade 12 were part of the GROW Model programme (Goal setting, Realities, Opportunities and Obstacles, What, am I gonna do?


  • 38 senior children attended a Gender Based Violence during the 16 days of activism







  • Incema organization came and hold sexual abuse programme with all our children


  • 35 children attended a programme about Bullying that was hosted by Life- Line.


  • 14 children attended an EPIC programme (Engaging, Purpose, Innovative and Current)


  • Lifeline ran a three- day awareness program with all our children, the following topics were covered (child abuse, bullying, peer pressure)


16 senior girls were invited to Bessie Head Library for an annual “Girls Talk”, the topics that were covered included (menstruation, visionary woman, walk and talk like a lady, the 21century girl, teenage and technology).







  • 30 senior children attended an Adventurous Journey from PMB City Hall. ABCD Model (Attitude, Beliefs, Choices and Dreams)


  • Grade 10-12 were invited to a Career Expo/Open day that was hosted by UKZN, (Pietermaritzburg Campus).







Ntokozo Mhlophe,

Social Worker












It is a pleasure to submit a report on the Child Care Services rendered in 2019. Managing 16 CYCWs is quite a task, however I am thankful for a wonderful team that is hungry to learn and implement proper childcare, so that we can offer the best services to our children.


Being a residential CYCW is about working in the life space of the vulnerable child, working long hours, at times frustrating at times fulfilling. Waking up always at night to take a child to the toilet or because a child is not well. Making sure a child attends all hospital/doctors’ appointments and takes their chronic medications on time. Planning developmental programs, playing with the children, calming a hysterical child, breaking up fights, listening to a child’s traumatic experiences. School preparation (washing and ironing school clothes, polishing school shoes), health checks, cutting nails/hair or plaiting. These are just practical examples of taking care of a child’s basic needs in all dimensions, physical, emotional, spiritual, mental and social. Moreover, administration, forms a huge part of our work, with at least 19 books /files having to be filled in when a CYCW is on duty, to promote accountability. My report will highlight some key aspects of childcare work that we are involved in:


Individual supervision 108
Group supervisions 30
In service trainings 16
Childcare meetings 29
Online supervision Ongoing


  • CYCWs attend open days, parent’s meetings, sports days, collect reports and attend to any issues at our children’s schools.
  • I encourage CYCWs to do fire drills, at least once a month. However, we do get some false alarms and we follow the procedure, taking children’s name list, First Aid box, Fire Extinguisher, and walk to designated assembly points. We have appointed fire marshals for each Unit who assist with the smooth running of things. Newly admitted children are orientated on this and a fire drill planned to practically orientate them.
  • We have a Health and Safety committee consisting of 8 CYCWs, although we try to involve everyone when we do inspections. We check for hazards in the cottages and around PCH, make suggestions to further make the environment safe for all. Minutes are taken for these meetings and submitted to management.



We are proud to say all our Child and Youth Care Workers have done their training in Child and Youth Work with NACCW, to continue practicing in the field, as per the regulations. Eleven out of the 12 trainees from PCH received their letters of competency from NACCW as we still await verification from HWSETA, which is unfortunately taking very long.



  • Valuable trainings continued at PCH, facilitated by the Child Care manager. Although conference planning impacted on the number of trainings we had. Topics included: Supervision of children in a residential setting, Behavior support/Management,


Teambuilding/ Self Esteem Programme, and Programme Planning, Self-care, Principles of Child Care, Routines in Residential Child Care, Holiday planning. Those who attended external trainings provided feedback and workshopped their learnings to others on the team.

  • We had a Fundza workshop, attended a Drug Awareness campaign at HS Ebrahim school, Incema’s Prevention begins at home workshop. All staff did First Aid Training.


  • We only had 2 Practitioners Forums as we were busy with conference preparations. CYCWs from other organizations in PMB attended and it was coordinated by Ropah.
  • CYCW month was celebrated at PCH with other CYCCs.
  • Topics covered were – Psychosocial support for CYCWs, we had Lifeline come and run a session with the CYCWs on how they can be supported as individuals/women/ CYCWs, using the Lifeline services. We also went through how to support our children who are being abused in any way using the services that Lifeline offers. End of year had us sharing our 2019 achievements or any new thing one experienced. We also shared our goals for 2020 and brainstormed topics for 2020, then had a braai and socialized.
  • Child Care Manager Ropah attended the Child Care Managers/Senior Child and Youth Care workers Forums in Durban.
  • General manager, Child Care Manager, Social Worker and Child and Youth Care workers attended 2 informative Regional Meetings in Durban
  • General manager, Child Care Manager, Social Worker and 10 Child and Youth Care workers attended the NACCW Conference in Durban in July 2019.


Each Unit gets to coordinate different events from the celebration days. Some highlights:

  • Valentine’s Day: The theme was self-love, promoting loving yourself before any other kind of love and discussions on appropriate kinds of love.
  • Human Rights Day was celebrated – Human Rights Day was celebrated with all Units together and each Unit got to present something as to their understanding of Human Rights, doing role plays, poems, songs, and speeches.
  • Freedom Day was celebrated, with speeches, poems, and songs. They discussed what Freedom Day means and their rights and responsibilities.
  • Youth day: was celebrated with staff and children wearing school uniform and all Units did different items to remember the youth of 1976 and why the day is celebrated. Different activities eg Sarafina dance, choir, hip hop dance, poetry, Zulu dance, gospel music and dance. The celebration is not complete without a braai to round off.
  • Women’s day, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are usually programs coordinated by the young people to show their gratitude to their CYCWs. They plan some entertainment, prepare a meal for them, and give a present to each.
  • Spring day was celebrated with the young people doing a walk of values around Northdale, World Aids day is another day that is observed at PCH.
  • Heritage Day: is a big day on the PCH calendar with numerous cultural activities, a young guest speaker from Mbali, gave a motivational speech  to the young people about, how to conduct oneself in a respectful way as a young woman/man, then closed off with special cultural foods.
  • International Childrens day was celebrated with a programme on Child Protection and Human Trafficking.


  • Day of Reconciliation was observed – teaching young people to reconcile and forgive each other. To understand that forgiveness is a process and its unhealthy to hold grudges.


  • Christmas day was celebrated, all young people had meals together in Unit 1. Lots of visitors came, served lunch. Others brought a jumping castle and snacks. Other visitors also brought supper and all children opened their Christmas presents.



  • Two senior girls attended a Women’s Day empowerment program at Haythorne Secondary and received cosmetics and some pamper vouchers.
  • Four young people entered the Poetry competition at the Eastwood Library, they did very well, and one boy (Sphe) won and got a trophy and a certificate.
  • June 2019 – Incema team came to hold a sexual abuse awareness program with the boys.
  • 4/07/19- 8 senior boys attended an overnight Men’s and Boy’s Behavioral change camp by Incema organization at Skinner camp in Cedara, Skhumbuzo accompanied them.
  • Drug Awareness, HIV/AIDS Awareness, and behavior management programs were implemented for the young people by the CYCWs taking into consideration the age groups.



Resource center being used for typing, research, word searches and playing developmental games for the juniors.


Seniors use it for research, projects and school assessments, as well as developing personal skills such as writing up a CV etc.


They are also responsible for cleaning the room, washing windows, curtains, sweeping, moping, packing books on shelves and wiping surfaces


  • Self- Awareness programs were also implemented to help them choose good friends and make good choices.
  • All Units have spelling BEEs in IsiZulu and English and teach young people how to make study timetables.


We implemented the President’s Award program in June 2019. Young people were very enthusiastic and did all their service hours. The hike for bronze medal was supposed to be in March 2020 but has been postponed. In the meantime, they carry on working towards their silver level.

They also walked around woodlands promoting healthy lifestyle.



  • The First Aider program carried on, being held on Saturday mornings. 35 young people have been actively participating. They are enrolled with the St John’s Cadet for trainings and they are divided into 3 groups, which are Level 1, Level 2 and Save a Life.
  • 9 young people attended the Comrades on the 09.06.19 with the officers from St Johns and assisted runners in the treatment and wellness tent.
  • In March 2019, 21 young people wrote a test and 2 girls from PCH were chosen to go for the competition in Joburg.
  • Young people did theory, ESM, anatomy tests, practical activities that included taking care of bleeding, wounds, use of different kind of bandages on different wounds and drilling.
  • 28-30 June the young people who were chosen went for the competition in Joburg with Zandile as their chaperone. It was a great experience for the young people, interacting with cadets from different provinces



St John Cadett’s National competitions, and this year they attended Johannesburg









  • Our Happy Earth Garden project continued working well. This is one of our therapeutic as well as educational programs. Teaching our children, a skill that they can use anywhere they go, to grow plants for consumption or sell.
  • Young people have vegetable beds allocated per Unit and they must look after them.
  • They are involved in planting, weeding, watering, collecting mulch, mulching and general cleaning around the garden.
  • The spinach does very well, and we have been selling the spinach, lettuce, cabbage and spinach to community members, staff as well as using for our kitchen.
  • We divided the fruit trees amongst the Units and each Unit got to personalize their trees and take care of them, watering, weeding, and mulching.
  • Ramsay came to plant some shade trees for us for spring day and did a talk on the importance of trees. Young people are involved in looking after these trees as well.
  • We finished off the partnership with the students from Enactus UKZN, which went well, young people were involved in planting beetroot, spinach, and onion in the sacks. The spinach did very well with a harvest of almost 90 bunches, beetroot was harvested as well, which was used for meals.


  • They tried selling bunches of spinach at the Market but that did not go well, and we decided we will stick to selling to the community and for our own consumption. We did a report for them with figures of harvests and how the experience was for PCH.


  • The holidays are planned with developmental activities that cater for the holistic needs of the young people who do not get to visit any family.
  • We do a lot of recycling making crafts using plastic like table mats, picture frames, dustpans, Zulu shoes, clocks, towers, and playhouses out of cardboard and empty toilet paper roll and bags using old jeans. Some beadwork was also done, making bracelets and chockers. This was also used to teach sewing skills like hemming and sewing on buttons.
  • PCH held several sports days. Talent shows, debates on Gender Based violence, yoga, drawing and painting, indoor and outdoor games, big walks, environmental clean-up, role plays, healthy theme days were some of the ways young people were kept busy during holidays.
  • Junior children went for day camps at YMCA. YMCA also came for a “Let’s play program” at PCH just to have fun with all the young people.
  • Circle of courage and other programs like Bio poems were used to help young people identify their talents, strengths and for goal setting activities. All the programs encourage good communication and teamwork.
  • Juniors had “soap box” activities that teach them about safety and did the Hand of safety, identifying 5 people you can tell when you are hurt, in trouble, uncomfortable or just unhappy.
  • Cognitive games like crossword/ jigsaw puzzles and soduku were also part of our programs.
  • Reading books and newspapers was encouraged throughout and we also got to use the Fundza techniques for our book club.


The Upliftment Programme


May 2019, the Joy Movement Team came to do a meditation and relaxation program, doing dance moves whilst listening to music with headphones.





  • Discussions on different kinds of families and the roles that people play in their families.
  • Motivational programmes for seniors, “Back to my Roots” program and doing one’s family tree helped young people with their identities.
  • Flard cards were used to teach junior children how to count, they had to put the numbers in order and were taught to count using playing cards.
  • In September 2019 young people attended the VIP event at ICC in Durban.




Sipho (CYCW) continued with his choir practice with young people, they had a chance to perform at our 2019 AGM meeting.

The highlight of the year was the choir team performing at ICC at the NACCW 2019 Conference and they were amazing just like their name – ‘Amazing Souls Gospel Choir”



  • Young people also attended activities at Bessie Head Library during school holidays and educational tours at Msunduzi Museum. We also frequent the local pool on hot days.


  • Ramsay had the official opening of the lovely play area they donated to us on Mandela Day, there was a game of soccer, PCH under 15 vs Ramsay. They also gave each of our young people a Christmas present on the 13th of December.


A very enjoyable visit from the KZN Midlands Sharks Rugby Academy








  • Young people also have campfires .and cook traditional foods over the fire and make tea promoting normalization for the young people.


  • PCH hosted the children’s awards day where children are recognized for their achievements and good behavior. This is after a full day of shopping for Christmas clothes for all the children, which is one of their highlights for the year.
  • Christmas day was celebrated, all young people had meals together in Unit 1. Lots of visitors came, served lunch. Others brought a jumping castle and snacks. Other visitors also brought supper and all children opened their Christmas presents.


  • Evaluation of 2019, celebrating the achievements and blessings from 2019 and sharing what they are looking forward to in 2020. Had some solo time for reflections and wrote down all the negative things they would not want to experience again. They had a braai to celebrate the New Year. Also got a chance to burn the papers with negatives.


  • Numerous visitors attended in December and January to hold programs and do activities.







  • 22 YP attended the regional NACCW sports day to celebrate youth day.


  • The boys continued with soccer and attended several events at Mountain Rise Primary School for the Astro League as PCH under 17 with Sipho and Skhumbuzo as their coaches.



PCH Soccer team receiving New Boots


These young lads were very excited to win some matches as they played with older boys.

3 of our senior boys consistently played soccer for the Haythorne Secondary school team.

Several school events were held, and children received many medals for sports.






Some of our boys gained valuable lifeskills through the art of learning canoeing via Duzi Canoe Club








  • All senior children attend 3 different churches (Overcomers, AFM and CRC) as per their choice. 39 junior boys and girls attend Sunday school at AFM.
  • Several churches hosted events last year. Juniors attended Mother’s and Father’s Day at AFM church. They were also involved in the Christmas play performed at the church.
  • Friday evenings they attended youth at AFM and Church of Overcomers.
  • Good Friday was celebrated coordinated by Unit 4. Young people recited and discussed the 7 verses Jesus said just before He died. There was an Easter relay and quiz with prizes to be won.
  • Woodlands Adventist church visited us twice during the year. They had a church service, had a practice drill to the shops and served briyani and punch. On the other visit their Global Youth Group showed our young people how they do their Pathfinder march and they also served lunch.



  • Church of Overcomers Youth attended an Easter conference.
  • During holidays church services were conducted at PCH, with praise and worship and reading of scriptures.
  • Sarah (JMR) came occasionally to conduct some Bible studies with our young people and JMR Church had a workshop for youth in July 2019. Sarah also did an Easter egg hunt for our children.
  • AFM Church had a Christmas party for our junior children, and they received presents.
  • Ascension Day was also celebrated, with reading of Bible verses to understand what the day is about.



  • Our Youth reps for that period were Sphesihle, Bongani, Amanda and Bongeka.
  • Youth reps attended regional youth meetings and events in Durban, at least once a month, at times twice a month as they were preparing for conference 2019.
  • They had Zoom sessions occasionally to have discussions as a province
  • 08/06/2019 – 22 young people attended the Youth Day sports Day at Durban CYCC, one of our boys excelled in the Mrabaraba competition and was chosen to represent KZN.
  • 28/06/2019 – 01/07/2019 – Bongani and Sphe attended the youth camp at WESSA Howick to prepare for the National Conference, they were accompanied by Zonke.
  • 01-05/07/2019 – The youth reps attended the youth conference in Durban.
  • 27/07/2019 – the youth reps attended youth meeting and did their 67 minutes of service at DCYCC.
  • 9/11/2019 – 2 youth reps attended the Fundza workshop in Durban.
  • 23/11/2019 -All youth reps attended the end of year function at Durban Child and Youth Care Centre.




Once again, a special thank you to all donors who supported our programs, all stakeholders who partnered with us to run programs, as well as to all visitors and friends who joined us for events and functions.




“Tell me what’s more important

than being present

For children

And listening to them.

I will wait.

                                            Maxime Lagace


God bless you all.

Ropafadzo Mashoko,


Child Care Manager




I am pleased to report on some of the significant activities that played a key role in highlighting the work of PCH. Joining this organization has been both fruitful and has enabled me as an individual to have a certain perspective about life in general.


Social Media


  • Social media updating on our Facebook and Twitter pages were regularly updated on events, campaigns, and general activities of the Home. In this period our Twitter page followers increased from 849 to 1217.
  • The organic likes on our Facebook page increased from 721 to 831 and the weekly average in respect of Facebook interactions was 15%.
  • Our Facebook page is regarded as a 4.6-star page on Facebook and remains our main awareness and marketing tool.


  • Twitter page was also updated with various activities that were taking place at the home.
  • Followers are currently sitting at 938.
  • A maximum of 199 tweet impressions were recorded according to data analytics
  • Average of 84.6% profile visits were also recorded


Fundraising Events and Campaigns

  • In the past year, various events and campaigns were held, all of which requires a huge amount of time, planning and publicity to make a success. We started off from March to May 2019 with our Tekkie Tax event, which went well.




In July, our Mandela Day Campaign recruited a higher number of volunteers and more engagement with companies raising a more significant amount.





  • Our Braai and Dance in November 2019 was well received by the community.








  • Numerous other campaigns such as:

-PCB Extec Relay on the 16 August 2019 where interaction between organizations present to increase the database

-Witness Garden show on the 06-08 September 2019 at the royal show ground and this event is a fun filled showcasing of gardening skills as well as arts and crafts.

Other events and campaigns were held at Malls and public events within our community such as the PMB Chamber of Business events, as we are active members of the Chamber.



  • We play a key role in supporting the DUT 3rd and 4th year public relations students annually, accepting them to complete work placements. They were included in or planning and implementing of events and activities. They however also take a lot of time to manage and supervise.


PCH Newsletter

  • Our Newsletter was circulated monthly and on track with the industry average.
  • Most of our readers opened the mailed newsletter multiple times as tracked by the Mailchimp report analysis.
  • Our readership as expected drops and picks up at different times for many reasons especially email addresses that stop working or audiences that unsubscribe for

personal reasons however we constantly updated our database to ensure that we remain in contact with majority of our donors and friends of PCH.

  • We are proud to know that our current database reaches 1223 people.


Website Updating

  • Our site receives a steady amount of volume of traffic. On average 6-8 people per week visited our site. This was measured via Word press analytics. The website has recently been updated with new context from monthly newsletters to recent AGM reports as well as ongoing campaigns.


Google AdWords

  • Our Google AdWords campaign became sponsored as a grant, as part of WSI’s CSI initiative and we are grateful for this privilege of having a free search engine campaign advert service.


Promotional Campaigns

  • PCH joined the “Liters of Education” a few years back. It is an easy process – All you must do is fill up at any participating BP garage and give them #509 and each liter you fill 10c goes to PCH at no extra cost to you.

Participating BP Garages are: BP Moore Road, Engen Boshoff Street, Engen basil Bure Motors, 45th Engen convenience, BP Hillcrest, Engen Bayside, Engen Mitchell park, Umhlali farmer services- BP Umhlali, Costwold Energy Centre Caltex waterfall, Nicole Jetkins, BP Westville Auto, BP Richmond Road, BP Quarry Road, BP  De Kuilen, BP La Lucia, BP Raisethorpe, BP Bluff, BP Sibaya, BP Drive in Motors- Ballito, BP fairways on Main- Howick, Caltex Winston park Service Station, Crompton Service Station- Caltex.





Lastly, we would like to acknowledge each and every single Donor as well as the community for their continued support in kind, or cash who continue to stand with and support us in making sure that our Home is running smoothly and accommodating to the children we serve.




“Our Children are the rock on which our future will be built, our greatest asset as a nation. They will be the leaders of our country, the creators of our national wealth, those who care for and protect our people”- Nelson R Mandela.





Thanking You


Sinethemba Mzobe

PR and Marketing Officer



















The Pietermaritzburg Children’s Homes (PCH) continues to operate as a child and youth care centre, providing accommodation and care to the children in need.
PCH’s funding is derived from the state subsidy received from the Department of Social Development been the largest contributor and many other donors.

Financial results as follows:









Income generated for the period under review been 2020 amounted to R4 529 512 been 14.28% higher than the 2019 financial year.  This was largely attributable to the increase in the DSD Subsidy.
Expenditure grew by 3.66% for the 2020 financial year in comparison with 2019 year.  This increase was a resulted from higher employee costs, municipal expenses, repairs and maintenance and other expenses. Expenses amounted to R4 129 721 for the 2020 year.

PCH is in a surplus for the 2020 financial year by an amount of R399 791. This was largely due to the increase in state subsidy from DSD and stringent controls by management in the daily expenditure.

A special thank you goes out to all donors, for their valuable contributions to PCH for this financial year.


Our staff together with the management team and Board members, had played a significant role in ensuring that we continue to sustain the Home and explore ways to generate income.



On behalf of the Board, I want to acknowledge the efforts put by management and staff in going the extra mile for the Home, especially in this difficult economic climate.




Mr. M Achari

































002 213 NPO

2002/014771/08 NPC

930003017 PBO


Banking details:

Name of Account       : PMB Children’s Home

Bank               : First National Bank

Account number   : 50932521351

Branch            : Boom Street, Pmb

Branch Code         : 221325


Telephone            : 033 3874004

Address               : 45 Teak Road, Woodlands, Pmb

Postal                  : P O Box 949, PMB, 3200



General Manager     :

Administration        :

Public Relations      :

Social Work           :

Child Care               :








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