
Apr Newsletter 2022

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Gender Based Violence – an experience with Lynn Hill! 
 PCH was blessed to be visited by an extraordinary woman who wears many capes: Lynn- a humanitarian, singer, poet, author and influencer amongst the few. She shared her story on how she was sexually abused on 2 counts. The first time when she was a teenager and the second time when she was in her 50s. Lynn said that in Gender Based Violence, we replace the V with Violated. She also made us aware that GB Violation does not have to be physical, but can be words as a form of disrespect among others. What is the light at the end of the tunnel you may ask? We still carry the key to unlock our lives and change the narrative. She also recited 2 poems she had written after going through her ordeal in order to assist others who may be going through the same thing. 
#Take action and end GBV.
Easter Celebrations
According to Christianity, Easter Friday is the day that Jesus Christ died to resurrect in three days. The celebrations at PCH started on Friday as the young people gathered at the hall for a Friday church service. They read scriptures which best explained the proceedings of that day.
Day 2: Saturday- the young people learnt the Seven Words of Jesus Christ on the cross. On this day scriptures that are found on various verses on the bible such as the Book of Luke, John etc. The children taught us that even though things were hard for the Lord and Savior as he was crucified on the cross, there is a deep meaning of his words on the cross. These speak of forgiveness, love,alvation, suffering, victory and security.
Day 3: The children attended a Sunday service where the continued to learn about God’s love. This day was ended with wonderful Easter treats, Lunch and an Easter egg hunt.

A huge gratitude goes to you for your generous donation of Easter treats to our young ones.

Freedom Day remembered…
A day of respect, commemoration as well as paying homage to the country’s liberation from Apartheid rule. South Africa celebrates 22 years of democracy and the children celebrated the day by reminding and teaching each other about what freedom day means to them.
  • Freedom means that “we can exercise freedom of speech and even though we never experienced apartheid, people can now move freely without carrying dompass”
  • “We are getting better education, the South African Government said all children have the right to education.
  • We can visit any places we desire and there aren’t any place with restrictions.
These are some of the answers we received from our young people and this shows how far we have come as a country.
Acts of Kindness
Kindness is never too early or too late to start practicing. PCH sometimes receives additional donations that can be used for other children in our network of CYCCs. We received a wonderful donation from Royal pharmacy consisting of nappies, baby wipes and formula. We forwarded these blessings to Benjamin Generation who are taking care of infants (Left picture).

Cindi Network also shared their donations provided by a Business Partner -Vanish. School shoes, uniforms and vanish cleaning powder was received ( right picture).

Story time
The history of storytelling goes back thousands of years. Cave dwellers used pigment to paint on walls with their hands to create stories and myths. The ancient Greeks carved their language into walls to tell how history was moving forward. Nowadays story telling  is done differently but it stills has the same purpose and outcome. This month we were blessed to have Sonya Nursoo together with Nonjabulo Njunju from Varsity College who donated books and read a  story to our grade 1s to 3 junior boys and girls. Much appreciation ladies for nourishing their young minds!
Tekkie tax is back. This year we are doing it again under the slogan: Better Together. Over the few years, your support in our campaign has been amazing. You have assisted us in reaching our goals. We are asking you once again to help us in making this campaign a success.

The prices are as follows:
-Stickers: R10
-Badges: R35
-Shoe Laces: R35
-Children’s T-shirts: R100
– Adult’s T-shirts :R100

To place your orders, kindly contact Sine on 033 387 4004 or Email, or WhatsApp us on 068 540 9317

Introducing the new kid on the block-YOCO
Transactions made with simplicity. We often encounter people who want to purchase or make a donation on the spot and the problem is always the fact that we don’t have a card machine to complete this transaction. That is why we have a new and quick way to make payment. It’s simple as 123…remember to tap, swipe or insert your card to complete a transaction.
KFC-Add Hope
This initiative partners with over 138  beneficiaries to ensure that children are receiving a nutritious meal daily. Add Hope raises money through customer donations added at the till or on the Add Hope website, as well as donating a percentage of KFC profits as its own Corporate social responsibility.
This is how it works:
When buying a meal you simply Add R2 for Add Hope to your bill…
Donations are also made by KFC…All that donations goes to the KFC Social Responsibility Trust…who then allocates to suitable applicants
through the Add Hope Ccampaign.
(This Campaign feeds nutritious meals to over 120 000 children every day in South Africa, and PCH is one of their beneficiaries)

Your R2 really does go a long way, and reaches us
to serve our children on a daily basis, so don’t hesitate to make your R2 pledge today!
The more you contribute to this campaign the better for us in the sector who service vulnerable children, as we are able to receive an increased allocation based on the value of the fund.

Don’t forget that our DONATE button on the WEBSITE is operating….
Yes, as a Donor you can make a cash donation in your own time, at your leisure.
Kindly visit our website on and select any amount you wish to donate.
You can use any Visa Debit or Mastercard for both Cheque and Credit Card options.
Your banking details remain confidential and that information will NOT be available to any one besides your yourself.
So please do feel free to support us through this easy and safe method of donating!
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