Development of a child is crucial. At a very young age we teach our children that they can be any one or anything they put their minds to. We have various programs that are designed to unleash every child’s potential since they are different individuals and are good at one or more activities.
Apart from special calendar holidays such as Worker’s Day, Youth day, Heritage days as well as Freedom Day that are commemorated by our children , they have over recent years participated in several programs that stimulate their Holistic Development:
Paddling sponsored by Duzi Canoe
1st Aid Training sponsored by St John Brigade
Soccer sponsored by Mountain Rise Astro
Amazing Souls Choir (PCH’s singing group)
Apart from the above mentioned our children also enjoy the opportunity to meet others from other Children’s Homes through Youth Forum meetings, Camps and Youth seminars and leadership programs.
Other programs involve Inkunzi Isematholeni “Unleashing the potential in a boy Child” and Vukuzithathe Africa. This clearly highlights the importance of exposing our children to different activities and letting them gain from a wealth of knowledge guiding their future decisions.
#Humble beginnings
#135 years of Grace
Find out more by visiting our Website
We will continue the journey in the July Newsletter ….
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